
Transfer From Glamorgan Postponed For One Week

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 21 08:15 -0400 GMT

The free character transfers from Glamorgan to Ywain have to be postponed for a week.  The transfers will now be available starting Wednesday, 06/29/2011.

The reason for this delay is that we want to ensure the most pleasant and smooth transfer experience as possible. To guarantee this, we’ll be upgrading the hard drives on the Ywain server in a maintenance downtime on the 29th. We will also deploy patch 1.109b during this downtime. The free character transfers to Ywain will start right after the downtime. Please make sure that you have read our Transfer Guide.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Weekend Battleground Event

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 May 23 07:49 -0400 GMT

Starting Thursday the 19th through Monday the 23rd we will be running a weekend battleground event. This event will feature a battleground switch whereas players level 45-50 will be allowed to teleport to, and participate in, the Thidranki battleground while players level 20-24 will be allowed to teleport to, and participate in, the Cathal Valley battleground.
