Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Jun 21 15:13 -0400 GMT
The Pendragon Test Server is being changed to the Free-for-All PvP ruleset for the remainder of the week. It will be changed back to the normal ruleset by Saturday morning. This is to facilitate communication and testing across realms.
Posted by Community | 2016 Jun 13 09:50 -0400 GMT
Applications for joining our Knight program or participating on our internal boards are once again open!
Before filling out the application, here are some descriptions of each position:
Knight of the Roundtable
Knights are a volunteer position that receives a comped account and involves signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement as they are generally the first to know about upcoming development plans.
Primarily, Knights will be expected to lead scheduled in-game events, host Q&As, create written or video guides, stream, and generally interface with the community in a positive, organizer role.
Secondarily, Knights are also expected to participate in internal forum discussions, bring game-related issues to developer attention, help test new changes on the Pendragon test-server, and to act in a mature, constructive manner whenever interfacing (within their capacity as a Knight) with each other, development, or the community.
Knights are required to be active and interact with the community in and out of DAoC.
Internal Forum Member
Internal Forum members are a volunteers that generally contribute to and provide feedback to the developmental direction of the game.
Members are expected to be constructive and interact with each other in a positive manner, even when disagreements occur.
There are no expectations for internal board members to participate or run community events, but it's also not forbidden!
If either of those are of interest to you, and even if you applied before, please fill out an application!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Jun 05 16:32 -0400 GMT
Update: Thank you everyone for your patience, this issue has been resolved! It is once again possible to resubscribe using a credit or debit card.
The Account Center is currently experiencing issues with subscribing and re-subscribing when using credit and debit cards.
Origin Game Time Codes do still work, so we encourage players experiencing this issue to use those in the meantime. We are actively working with our billing partner to get the issue corrected as soon as possible and appreciate your patience as we resolve this matter.
We'll update you here as soon as we have more news!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 May 26 13:33 -0400 GMT
We had a lot of fun on the Devcast going over our plans for patch 1.121, 1.122, and beyond as well as throwing out several off-the-wall ideas for some of the classes to get your feedback on!
So much so, that we'll be doing a follow-up podcast at a soon-to-be announced time that will have taken into account your feedback and will announce our more finalized ideas for the classes!
If you missed this first one, tune in below!
In addition to the video, Carol, Lea, and Fugo have transcribed the devcast in English, German, and French for you to enjoy as well!
Posted by Community | 2016 May 16 12:18 -0400 GMT
Following on from our numerous and valuable Knight class focus podcasts with Knights and player volunteers, it's time to hear the thoughts and ideas on class balancing straight from the devs!
DAoC Producer John Thornhill will be joined by Knight Boxy on Thursday, May 19th at 3PM EST/8PM GMT/9PM CET on our official Twitch channel to discuss the previous feedback from podcasts, and a look a head to what we may see with the coming class balance patch.
A video and transcript of the Q&A will be available on the Herald in the days following the stream (in English, German, and French).
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 May 13 16:07 -0400 GMT
We have a quick but important Hot Fix involving keep lords sometimes being able to be killed outside their lord room!
Keep Lords should no longer be able to leave their lord room.
In other news, Memorial Day RvR bonuses will start next Monday, May 16th and last through Tuesday, May 31st. Stay tuned for more details Monday!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Apr 21 09:04 -0400 GMT
The Caledonia battleground is open to all players starting today, Thursday April 21st through Monday April 25th!
Conquer the enemy realms and capture Caer Caledon back from the Picts to earn the Pictslayer loot!
The Caledonia battleground has the following zone bonuses:
25% bonus to realm point gain
50% bonus to bounty point gain
100% bonus to experience gain
To get to Caledonia, simply visit the Battleground Event Channelers as follows:
Albion: Master Truji in Castle Sauvage
Midgard: Stor Gothi Acheren in Svasud Faste
Hibernia: Channeler Inarea in Drium Ligen
Have fun!
Posted by Community | 2016 Apr 11 15:32 -0400 GMT
After a very successful and enjoyable tournament last year, we are pleased to announce the second Knights of the Roundtable ran DAoC 5v5 tournament! Gather your friends and team mates and prepare to face off against your friends, and enemies, in this spectacular event!
The 5v5 tournament will be held on Saturday, August 20, 2016 on the Pendragon server at 1 PM EST (12PM CST, 10AM PST, 7PM CET). Depending on how many teams sign up, the tournament may continue on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 1 PM EST (12PM CST, 10AM PST, 7PM CET). Bookmark the tournament page below to keep updated on all the details!
Registration will be opening later in the year, so keep your eyes on the Herald!
Looking forward to another fun tournament!
Posted by Community | 2016 Apr 08 11:55 -0400 GMT
Our DAoC Knight Podcast this week will focus on the overall RvR game and playstyles! Joining our host, Knight Luvly, will be a collaboration of players including Xyorman, Rescu, Nightsmauler, and Billings to discuss RvR and balance across the realms.
This is one podcast you won't want to miss! Join us Sunday April 10th, at 8PM EST (1AM GMT) on our official Twitch channel and get involved in the viewer chat to share your insights. The podcast will be posted on our YouTube channel for those that missed it live, the following week.
We will also have a giveaway for a 1 month game timecode during the stream :)
See you there!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Apr 01 09:50 -0400 GMT